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Saturday, October 08, 2011

3 Amazing Ways to Shape Up Your Muscles in Less Than 7 days! by Venkata Ramana

  magine you need to look great to get all the attention at the biggest party of the year. The cloak has already started ticking and you have got 7 days to fix yourself for the D-Day. If you can take out 15 to 30 minutes in the next few days, you can be ready for action.

Step 1: Exercise

Start with skipping and jogging and chin-ups by hanging from a rod for warming up.
Two steps of crunches or sit-ups for strengthening and toning your abdominal muscles.
Then go for Flat bench press and dumbbell flyers for the entire chest area, focusing mainly on the inner chest and followed by 2 sets of push-ups.
Work on your trapezium for the collar muscle and shoulder pressing.
For biceps the exercise to be followed is standing barbell curl.
Next you can work out on your Triceps with Single dumbbell or French press and fore forearms.
Skipping will have an effect on your legs, other wise you can go for Squats and back with lat pull down.

Step 2: Diet

Diets are just as important as exercise, because it is the most important part of getting the body you want. You have to eat good to look good. You need protein, and you don’t need fat. Stay away from junk and fatty foods. Not all fat is bad; there is a healthy fat. This fat can be found in fish, Nuts and some oils. Have Lots of fibers such as leafy vegetables, salads and daily products.

Step 3: Stay Motivated

The results though wont come easily and they wont come very fast either, So Stay dedicated, motivated and consistent, and do all 3 steps correctly to get the desired result.
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13 Keys to a Healthy Diet

Developing healthy eating habits isn't as confusing or as restrictive as many people imagine. The first principle of a healthy diet is simply to eat a wide variety of foods. This is important because different foods make different nutritional contributions. Secondly, fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes—foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol—should make up the bulk of the calories you consume. The rest should come from low-fat dairy products, lean meat and poultry, and fish.
You should also try to maintain a balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure—that is, don't eat more food than your body can utilize. Otherwise, you will gain weight. The more active you are,  therefore, the more you can eat and still maintain this balance.

Following these three basic steps doesn't mean that you have to give up your favorite foods. As long as your overall diet is balanced and rich in nutrients and fiber, there is nothing wrong with an occasional cheeseburger. Just be sure to limit how frequently you eat such foods, and try to eat small portions of them.
You can also view healthy eating as an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods—especially vegetables, whole grains, or fruits—that you don't normally eat. A healthy diet doesn't have to mean eating foods that are bland or unappealing.

The following basic guidelines are what you need to know to construct a healthy diet.

  1. Eat plenty of high-fiber foods—that is, fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. These are the "good" carbohydrates—nutritious, filling, and relatively low in calories. They should supply the 20 to 30 grams of dietary fiber you need each day, which slows the absorption of carbohydrates, so there’s less effect on insulin and blood sugar, and provides other health benefits as well. Such foods also provide important vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (plant chemicals essential to good health).
  2. Make sure to include green, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables—such as broccoli, carrots, cantaloupe, and citrus fruits. The antioxidants and other nutrients in these foods may help protect against developing certain types of cancer and other diseases. Eat five or more servings a day.
  3. Limit your intake of sugary foods, refined-grain products such as white bread, and salty snack foods. Sugar, our No.1 additive, is added to a vast array of foods. Just one daily 12-ounce can of soda (160 calories) can add up to 16 pounds over the course of a year. Many sugary foods are also high in fat, so they’re calorie-dense. 
  4. Cut down on animal fat. It’s rich in saturated fat, which boosts blood cholesterol levels and has other adverse health effects. Choose lean meats, skinless poultry, and nonfat or low-fat or nonfat dairy products
  5. Cut way down on trans fats, supplied by hydrogenated vegetable oils used in most processed foods in the supermarket and in many fast foods.
  6. Eat more fish and nuts, which contain healthy unsaturated fats. Substitute olive or canola oil for butter or stick margarine.
  7. Keep portions moderate, especially of high-calorie foods. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants. Choose a starter instead of an entrée, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything.
  8. Keep your cholesterol intake below 300 milligrams per day. Cholesterol is found only in animal products, such as meats, poultry, dairy products, and egg yolks.
  9. Eat a variety of foods. Don't try to fill your nutrient requirements by eating the same foods day in, day out. It is possible that not every essential nutrient has been identified, and so eating a wide assortment of foods helps to ensure that you will get all the necessary nutrients. In addition, this will limit your exposure to any pesticides or toxic substances that may be present in one particular food.
  10. Maintain an adequate calcium intake. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Get your calcium from low-fat sources, such as skim milk and low-fat yogurt. If you can't get the optimal amount from foods, take supplements.
  11. Try to get your vitamins and minerals from foods, not from supplements. Supplements cannot substitute for a healthy diet, which supplies nutrients and other compounds besides vitamins and minerals. Foods also provide the "synergy" that many nutrients require to be efficiently used in the body.
  12. Maintain a desirable weight. Balance energy (calorie) intake with energy output. Exercise and other physical activity are essential.
  13. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. That is one drink a day for women, two a day for men. A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits. Excess alcohol consumption leads to a variety of health problems. And alcoholic beverages can add many calories to your diet without supplying nutrients
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Slim Body Secrets

After many failures, individuals start to believe weight loss is an unreachable objective.  They have tried strange diets, special exercises, the 'magic' of pill, and multiple fitness gadgets.  After failure after failure, they give up and settle for hiding their slimmer body underneath rolls of cellulite.  The secret to weight loss is to know your specific goal and have a plan to make small changes every day to lose those extra pounds. 

 Rules of Weight Loss
To lose one pound, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. Here is how it works.

  1. Determine what is your ideal weight range
  2. Get the difference between your current weight and ideal weight
  3. Estimate your daily calorie usage based on normal body functions (like breathing, beating heart, brain functions, ...) with adjustments based on your activity level.
  4. Put a plan in place to close the gap between your ideal weight and current weight 
Slim Body Secrets for Women and Slim Body Secrets for Men is a free mini-course that walks you through these rules.  I am getting a little ahead of myself.  Let me give a quick example of these rules.

Weight Loss Example
JoAnn is a mother of two in her mid 30's and works mornings at the local school so she can be home when her children after school and during the summer.  She is 5 foot 4 inches tall and her weight has slowly risen to 165 pounds over the past couple of years as she has focused her time on being a good mother and spouse.  Her estimated at rest daily calorie consumption is around 1750.  To reach her healthy weight of 145 pounds, she needs to lose 20 pounds and then keep it permanently off.  She is being told that her caloric intake needs to be reduced to about 1350 calories per day. 

She kicks in her will power and becomes determined to reduce what she eats to rediscover her slimmer body within.  First she tries skipping breakfast but cannot stay the course because she does not have energy for work.  Then she tries skipping lunch. When her kids get home from school and they grab their afternoon snack, she finds that she is famished and starts nibbling on the snack right along with them until she gets full.  Finally, JoAnn decides to skip dinner.  But she is also the household chef, it is her responsibility to prepare dinner for the family.  For a couple of days her will power holds as the house is filled with the aromatic dinner smells but then she becomes irritable in the evening and her husband, Bob, gently suggests that she start eating dinner with them again.

JoAnn re-evaluates her will power strategy and examines her weight loss success and failures over the last six months.  What she finds is that her daily calorie intake did not decrease like she wanted but actually increased.  When she skipped breakfast, she lacked energy during the morning and by the time lunch came around she over ate because she was so hungry.  Although she was successful at skipping lunch, she consumed more calories nibbling on the kid food in the early afternoon than she would normally eat during lunch.  Skipping dinner was a complete failure.  Instead of spending an enjoyable evening with her family, she was a grouch to her husband and did not really cut down her calorie intake since she was sampling the dinner as she cooked it.
What JoAnn needs is a realistic and actionable weight loss strategy and plan.

Slim Body Secrets
Slim Body Secrets for Women and Slim Body Secrets for Men is a free mini-course that provides 10 secrets to developing a realistic and actionable weight loss plan.  Unlike most weight loss programs that just tell you to reduce the number of calories you eat per day, Slim Body Secrets tells you how to balance your lifestyle so that you can achieve your weight loss goals, what should be the expectation for how long it should take to reach your ideal weight, and what specific steps are necessary to reduce and long term maintain your target weight.
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Friday, October 07, 2011

Skin Health


Skin Care: Nutrients for Healthy Skin 

Vitamin A. 
If your vitamin A levels are up to snuff from the foods you eat, adding more probably won't do much more for your skin. That said, if those levels drop even a little below normal, you're likely to see some skin-related symptoms, including a dry, flaky complexion. That's because vitamin A is necessary for the maintenance and repair of skin tissue. Without it, you'll notice the difference. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamin A.
Topical vitamin A is the form that makes a real difference in your skin. Medical studies show a reduction in lines and wrinkles, good acne control, and some psoriasis relief, all from using creams containing this nutrient. The prescription treatment is called Retin A, and it's used primarily as a treatment for acne. The less potent, over-the-counter formulations are sold as retinols and used as anti-aging treatments. 

Vitamin B Complex. 
When it comes to skin, the single most important B vitamin is biotin, a nutrient that forms the basis of skin, nail, and hair cells. Without adequate amounts, you may end up with dermatitis (an itchy, scaly skin reaction) or sometimes even hair loss. Even a mild deficiency causes symptoms. Your body makes plenty of biotin, and the nutrient is also in many foods, including bananas, eggs, oatmeal, and rice. Creams containing B vitamins can give skin an almost instant healthy glow while hydrating cells and increasing overall tone at the same time. Niacin, a specific B vitamin, helps skin retain moisture, so your complexion looks more plump and younger looking in as little as six days. It also has anti-inflammatory properties to soothe dry, irritated skin. In higher concentrations it can work as a lightening agent to even out blotchy skin tone. 

Vitamin K. 
As the nutrient responsible for helping blood clot, it won't do much for your skin from the inside. But studies presented to the AAD in 2003 show topical vitamin K does work well to reduce under eye circles as well as bruises. When combined with vitamin A in a cream or serum, vitamin K can be even more effective for those dark circles. Most health experts agree that most of us don't need to supplement our mineral intake. This is even more true if you drink spring water, which often contains healthful, natural supplies of important minerals. Studies show that washing your face with mineral water can help reduce many common skin irritations, and the mineral content may help some skin cells absorb the moisture better. 

Scientists believe this mineral plays a key role in skin cancer prevention. Taken in supplement form or in a cream, it protects skin from sun damage. If you do spend any time in the sun, selenium could reduce your chance of burning, lowering your risk of skin cancer. The best dietary sources of selenium include whole-grain cereals, seafood, garlic, and eggs. 

Still another important mineral is copper. Together with vitamin C and the mineral zinc, copper helps to develop elastin, the fibers that support skin structure from underneath. While a copper deficiency is rare (doctors caution that supplements can be dangerous), topical applications of copper-rich creams can firm the skin and help restore some elasticity, according to some study results. 

The third skin-friendly mineral is zinc, important if you have acne. In fact, sometimes acne itself is a symptom of a zinc deficiency. Taken internally or used topically, zinc works to clear skin by taming oil production and may be effective in controlling the formation of acne lesions or help those already on your skin to clear sooner. Food sources of zinc include oysters, lean meat, and poultry.
Some of the more exciting new skin research looks beyond vitamins and minerals to other nutrients that when taken internally or applied topically can have remarkable effects on your skin. 

Alpha-Lipoic Acid. 
A powerful antioxidant, hundreds of times more potent that either vitamin C or E, alpha-lipoic acid may turn out to be a super boost for aging skin. What makes it so special, say skin experts, is its ability to penetrate both oil and water, affecting skin cells from both the inside and the outside of the body. Most other antioxidants can do one but not both.
More specifically, explains Mary Sullivan, alpha-lipoic acid, like vitamins C and E, neutralizes skin cell damage caused by free radicals. Some studies show it can repair the damage to skin's DNA, thus reducing the risk of cancer. Health experts say it also helps other vitamins work more effectively to rebuild skin cells damaged by environmental assaults, such as smoke and pollution. You can take a daily alpha-lipoic acid supplement or use creams that contain the antioxidant. 

Another powerful antioxidant, this nutrient has one of the strongest appetites for free radicals. It works mostly by deactivating their power to harm skin cells. It also helps stabilize the membrane around the outside of each cell so that assaults from sun damage and cigarette smoke are reduced.
According to Sullivan, DMAE also prevents the formation of lipofucsin, the brown pigment that becomes the basis for age spots. As with alpha-lipoic acid, you can take DMAE in supplements and in topical creams. 

Hyaluronic Acid. 
Made by the body, this nutrient's main job is to lubricate joints so that knees, elbows, fingers, and toes all move smoothly and easily. But now doctors say it also plays a role with skin cells, acting as a kind of glue that helps hold them together, keeping skin looking smoother and younger. Another plus is its ability to hold water, up to 1,000 times its weight, which means more moisture in each skin cell.
Top skin care lines now include creams with hyaluronic acid. Sullivan and others also believe it's equally powerful taken in supplement form, though more research is needed to prove effectiveness. The nutrient isn't readily available in food. 

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs).
If your skin is dry, prone to inflammation, and frequently dotted with white heads and black heads, you may be lacking essential fatty acids, nutrients that are crucial to the production of skin's natural oil barrier. Without an adequate supply of EFAs, the skin produces a more irritating form of sebum, or oil, which can result in problems.
The solution, say skin experts, may be to balance two of the key EFAs, omega-3 and omega-6. While most folks get plenty of omega-6s (in baked goods, cooking oils, poultry, grains, and many other foods), omega-3s are often lacking. They're found mostly in cold-water fish, including salmon, sardines, and mackerel, flaxseed, and flax and safflower oils. Taking supplements, such as fish oil capsules or evening primrose oil, may also help keep your skin smoother and younger-looking.

Skin Nutrition: The Bottom Line
Most people can get all the nutrients their skin needs from a multivitamin and a healthy diet, says dermatologist Rhoda Narins, MD, of NYU's School of Medicine. "You should get your basics in a multivitamin, and if you want to reap the benefits of all these other nutrients, get them in food, or use topical preparations," she says. To some extent, Georgiana Donadio of the National Institute of Whole Health agrees: "It's not a matter of running out and spending a lot of money on vitamins. The idea is to use them in a very intelligent way that's healthful to you. But don't ever think they are the whole answer to dealing with a health problem, particularly aging skin." Sullivan adds this skin advice: "The best approach is to drink plenty of water, use gentle products to cleanse your skin, always wear a sunscreen, and eat a balanced diet - then you can augment that care with nutritional supplements."

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Healthy Skin

Nutrients for Healthy Skin : Inside and Out

Reviewed By Charlotte Grayson, MD

        Of all the news coming from the beauty community, the loudest buzz may be about the power of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to give skin a more radiant, healthy, and, yes, youthful glow. The excitement is focused not only on creams and lotions you put on your skin but what you put into your body as well. Health experts say that vitamins and minerals in all forms play an integral role in a healthy complexion, whether the source is food, supplements, or even a jar of cream. "Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body, and all skin conditions, from psoriasis to acne to aging, are the manifestations of your body's internal needs, including its nutritional needs," says Georgiana Donadio, PhD, DC, MSc, founder and director of the National Institute of Whole Health in Boston. If you feed your skin from the inside and out, experts say you can't help but benefit. "There is a lot of important new research showing tremendous power of antioxidants in general, and in some specific nutrients in particular that can make an important difference in the way your skin looks and feels -- and even in how well it ages," says nutritional supplement expert Mary Sullivan, RN, co-founder of Olympian Labs. "When combined with a good diet, the right dietary supplements can help keep your skin looking not only healthy, but also years younger."
     So which nutrients do you need to keep your skin healthy and looking its best? According to the experts interviewed by WebMD, plus new information from the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the following vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients nourish your skin, whether you take them in supplement form, apply them directly to you skin, or make sure you get enough from the foods you eat. 

Vitamins Good for Skin Nutrition
Studies show that the vitamins C, E, A, K, and B complex all help improve skin health and appearance. Here's how. 

Vitamin C. Among the most important new dermatologic discoveries is the power of vitamin C to counter the effects of sun exposure. It works by reducing the damage caused by free radicals, a harmful byproduct of sunlight, smoke, and pollution. Free radicals gobble up collagen and elastin, the fibers that support skin structure, causing wrinkles and other signs of aging. Make sure your diet includes plenty of vitamin-C rich foods (citrus and vegetables, among others), which can replace the loss of the vitamin through the skin. You can also take vitamin C supplements, up to 500 to 1,000 milligrams of per day, according to the AAD. Combined with vitamin E (see below), vitamin C supplements can also protect skin from sun exposure. You can also try a topical vitamin C cream to encourage collagen production, just as your body does naturally when you are young. The trick here is to use a formulation containing the L-ascorbic acid form of vitamin C, the only one that can penetrate skin layers and do the job. 

Vitamin E. Research shows that, like vitamin C, this potent antioxidant helps reduce the harmful effects of the sun on the skin. According to studies published by the AAD, taking 400 units of vitamin E daily appeared to reduce the risk of sun damage to cells as well as reduce the production of cancer-causing cells. Some studies show that when vitamins E and A are taken together, people show a 70% reduction in basal cell carcinoma, a common form of skin cancer. Vitamin E can also help reduce wrinkles and make your skin look and feel smoother. (Be aware, though, that some recent research warns that large doses of vitamin E can be harmful. Stay with 400 international units per day or less to be on the safe side.) Used in a cream, lotion, or serum form, vitamin E can soothe dry, rough skin. When combined with vitamin C in a lotion, it's highly protective against sun damage, says the AAD.

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

Eye Health Tips

Eye Health Care Tips to Prevent Diseases | Maintain Eye Health Tips

     Clear vision can help us in various ways, such as working, enjoying the scenery, or communication with others. If you want to have healthy eyes, of course you have to take care of him. There are several things you can do to maintain healthy eyes, see it here:

 1.Check your eye health at the ophthalmologist. At these visits not only view kemapuan examination (visual acuity), but also checks eye pressure (to determine glaucoma), examination of macular degeneration, the possibility of cataracts, and other investigations. If you have a history of eye disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, are advised to check at least twice a year. 

2. Consultation with your doctor immediately if you got the changes on the ability of view, such as double vision or blurred, there are letters missing when viewing the print, can not see his face clearly, or other disorders of view.

3. Protect eyes from exposure Sunar ultra violet (UV), dust, wind and the light is too strong. If located in areas with strong sunlight, use UV glasses.

4. Consumption of healthy food for the eyes, for example, that contain antioxidants, carotene (carrots, spinach), zinc (beef or lamb), and selenium (fish or red meat).

5. Avoid eye injury. Use safety glasses when working, especially when jobs are at risk, such as in workshops, construction work, or other work. If there are foreign bodies in the eye, do not dikucek, it is better to use warm water to clean sterile foreign body or take it to a doctor immediately.

When Watching Television

     Actually, watching television is a thing that is safe for the eyes, because it stretches in the eyes when watching TV is not too excessive than when menbaca. With that in mind the following, your eyes safe while viewing a television:

1.  Adequate lighting, not too big and too low. Lighting that is too strong to reduce the contrast on the screen and obscure the view. Should not place a light source that can lead to reflections on the television. We recommend that you print color television around neutral.

2.  Better lighting in the living room television is not completely dark. Resulted in total dark room contrast of the television becomes excessive and disturbing the comfort of the eye. Not adjust the color in the room with television, but television which adjusts the condition of the room.

3.  Note the distance watching. At least the distance between the eyes and is five times the diameter of the television screen. At that distance, the image can be seen clearly and do not disturb the eye. If you often watch at close range, you should immediately conduct eye health examination. Nearsightedness (myopia) often occurs in children who watch television in close proximity.

4.  Make sure the television has been regulated properly. Television's position should be parallel with your eyes so that when the watch does not have to look up or bend over.

5    If required memekai glasses, use sunglasses while watching television. 


When Using Computers

Interacting with a computer screen for a prolonged period resulted in unstretched and dry eye. Some tips related to the television screen can be used when using a computer.

  1.  If it's too long, you should stop a moment to rest my eyes. In addition, frequent blinking is also advised to avoid dry eyes.
  2.  If there agangguan vision while using computers, you should consult with the ophthalmologist.
  3. The distance between the monitor screen with the eye approximately 30-40 cm with the position of the top of the screen according degan eyeball height or slightly below the limit of the eye.
  4.  Make sure the monitor you are using adjustable tilt so you can easily adjust the position of the eye. If you have funds, we recommend using the LCD monitor because the radiation is lower than with CRT monitors.
  5. Use a screen protector on the computer screen to reduce the emission of radiation.
  6. If you experience vision problems, either nearsightedness or near, use the glasses to ensure that the appropriate shadow falling on the retina.  

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12 tips for healthy hair

get the shine, movement and softness you desire fast and easy with our expert advice from top pros

       Hair is the ultimate accessory; it can add to (or detract from) your overall look instantly. Keeping it in healthy condition is the most important thing you can do to help it look and feel fabulous. And, while it seems easy, this isn't as simple as minimizing chemical treatments or slathering on a weekly deep conditioner. While these can make your strands softer and less split-end-prone, what really matters is the daily handling; this is what creates the most stress--and potential damage--to your tresses. To help your locks look their best, we asked top experts from around the country for their advice on how to baby your mane every single day. So whether your concern is dullness, damage, frizz or fragility, we have the answers to ease even the toughest hair-care woes. Read on for tips to achieve run-your-fingers-through-it hair.

1. Steer clear of plastic-bristle brushes. "The proper bristles are key," says stylist Edward Tricomi of the Warren-Tricomi Salon in New York City. "A combination of natural boar bristles on either a round or flat brush are best for dry hair, while soft, rubber-toothed wide-paneled brushes are best for damp hair." Our favorite brushes include the Mason Pearson Boar Bristle brush ($78.50; and Aveda's Wooden Paddle Brush ($17;

2. Brush before shampooing. A few gentle strokes on dry hair will help remove product buildup and scalp flakes, as well as stimulate the scalp and promote blood flow (which delivers nutrients like oxygen) to hair follicles. For a smoother slide, try Clairol Herbal Essences Let It Loose Detangling Spray ($3; at drugstores). 

3. Know your water. If your hair looks dull or is hard to style, the problem could be your tap water. According to Minneapolis-based Gordon Nelson, international creative director for Regis Salons, well water contains natural minerals (called "hard water") that can leave hair lusterless and hard to manage and can impart a brassy, orange hue. Soft water, on the other hand, has fewer damaging minerals. (Ask your local water department if your water is soft or hard, or try using Robert Craig's No More Bad Hair Days Kit, $20;; with strips to test your water.) To rid hair of mineral buildup, suds up every week with a clarifying shampoo. We like Frederic Fekkai Apple Cider Clarifying Shampoo and Clean Conditioner ($18.50 each;

4.Mist your ends with water before home coloring. The ends of your hair are more porous and, as a result, absorb more pigment. "Wet hair doesn't absorb color as readily as dry hair," explains Renee Patronik, a consulting colorist for L'Oreal in New York.

5. Trim your troubles. As the ends of your hair get older and damaged by rough handling, they become prone to splitting, Nelson says. Get regular trims, at least 1/2 inch every four to eight weeks. "Hair grows (on average) half an inch per month, so trim to maintain healthy ends," says stylist Stephen Knoll of the Stephen Knoll Salon in New York.

6. Use color-protective products. Chemical treatments like color can damage hair because the chemicals have to penetrate the outer layer of the hair (or cuticle) to allow the hue to be absorbed, explains stylist of Rodolfo Valentin Atelier for Hair in New York. Color-protective products are specially designed to minimize dryness, keep color true and prevent damage. "They typically have more nourishing ingredients, strip less color and are less abusive," Knoll explains. We love L'Oreal VIVE Color Care Shampoo and Conditioner ($3.69 each; at drugstores) and Matrix Biolage Color Care Shampoo ($10) and Conditioner ($11; for salon locations).

7. Give wet hair extra TLC. It stretches and snaps more easily than dry hair does, so be extra-gentle with it. "Use a wide-tooth plastic comb while hair is wet; then, once it's towel-dried, switch to a good brush," says Jon Patrick, color director of the Mete Turkmen Hair Salon Plus in New York. And avoid wooden combs; wood can have microscopic divots that snag hairs. Instead try the Jilbere de Paris plastic shower comb ($1.49; sally for store locations).

8. Deep condition once every two weeks. "These treatments penetrate the hair shaft and strengthen strands," says Patrick, who adds that using heat (from a blow-dryer) can intensify deep conditioning, as the heat causes the cuticle to open and the ingredients to penetrate. For nourishing results, try Kerastase Masquintense ($36; 877-748-8357 for salons), available for fine or thick hair; Neutrogena Triple Moisture Sheer Hydration Leave-In Foam ($7; at drugstores); or Ellin Lavar Textures ReconstructMasque ($25;

9. Just use your dryer's nozzle, urges stylist Frank Galasso of Frank.Studio in Santa Monica, Calif. It's the best way to help prevent frizz because it concentrates the airflow on sections. "Without a nozzle the dryer's grill gets very hot; if your hair gets too close to it, it will cause damage and/or breakage," explains stylist Mark Garrison of the Mark Garrison Salon in New York.

10. Just use your dryer's nozzle, urges stylist Frank Galasso of Frank.Studio in Santa Monica, Calif. It's the best way to help prevent frizz because it concentrates the airflow on sections. "Without a nozzle the dryer's grill gets very hot; if your hair gets too close to it, it will cause damage and/or breakage," explains stylist Mark Garrison of the Mark Garrison Salon in New York.

For curls, use a diffuser attachment to gently surround your hair with air. Try Vidal Sassoon Ceramic Finger Diffuser ($8; for store locations). Follow up with John Frieda's Frizz-Ease Secret Weapon Flawless Finishing Creme ($6; at drugstores) to smooth strands.

11.Give textured or relaxed hair a break. African-American hair tends to be coarse due to a lack of natural oils (more so if chemically processed), says New York-based celebrity hairstylist Ellin Lavar. Lavar suggests opting for gentle color choices like semipermanent or vegetable color. Spacing processing treatments at least two weeks apart, with weekly conditioning treatments in between for shine maintenance, helps.

12.  Use the right accessories. Kim Vo, a stylist at West Hollywood's B2V Salon, suggests putting hair in soft braids or twists and using claw clips rather than barrettes, which can pull hair. Other options: gentle Goody Ouchless elastic bands ($3 for 14; at drugstores) and L. Erickson Grab 'N Go Pony O's ($12 for three;


For great styling advice that doesn't sacrifice hair health, check out the Dove Styling Tool, a tip-filled interactive guide created with the help of top celebrity stylist Eva Scrivo. It's organized according to the look you're trying to achieve. Find it at


BAN BAD-HAIR DAYS We're giving 50 lucky Shape readers the chance to try Robert Craig's No More Bad Hair Days Kit (a $20 value!). The kit includes 12 water test strips, three shampoos for different water types (soft, moderately hard and extremely hard) and a leave-in conditioner. Visit from Oct. 18 to Nov. 14 for your chance to win. Good luck!

KATHY MILLER KRAMER is a New York City-based freelance writer. Additional reporting by CARLY CARDELLINO.



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Tips for Healthy Children and Families

Tips for Healthy Children and Families


Eating Better

For Children and Families
  1. Start the day with a healthy breakfast. It refuels your body and gives you energy for the day.
  2. Let kids help plan one meal each week and eat together as often as possible.
  3. Eat slowly. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full.
  4.  Eat more vegetables and fresh fruits. Aim for a total of 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables every day.
  5. Eat more whole grains (e.g., oats, brown rice, rye, crackers, whole-wheat pasta). Try to eat at least 3 ounces of whole grains every day.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids. Choose water, low-fat or nonfat milk and low calorie or diet beverages.
  7. Serve a variety of foods. 

For Parents
  1. Reward children with praise rather than with food.
  2.  Serve food in smaller portions. Do not demand or reward “a clean plate.” Let your child ask for more if he or she is still hungry.
  3. Read nutrition labels for serving size and calorie information. The information on the labels can help you select foods that best fit into your family’s meal and snack plans.
  4. Bake, broil or grill foods to reduce fat. Rather than cooking with butter or vegetable oil, try healthier versions like olive, canola or sunflower oil.
  5. Snacks should provide nutrients and energy, which are essential for active, growing children.
  6. Do not give your child vitamin supplements unless they are recommended by your doctor.
  7. Children imitate their parents, so set a good example by eating healthy foods.
  8. Keep a variety of snacks in the house, such as fresh fruit, vegetables, whole-grain cereals and crackers. Try lower calorie or lower fat foods, like baked chips, reduced-sugar cereals or low-fat dressings

Being More Active

For Children and Families
  1. Move more. Try to get between 30 and 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Several 10 to 15 minute sessions of moderate activity each day add up.
  2.  Include regular physical activity into your daily routine. Walk as a family before or after meals.
  3.  Limit TV, computer and video game time to a total of one to two hours per day. Encourage physical activity instead.
  4.  Balance energy calories with activity calories. The energy you get from foods and beverages should equal the calories you burn in activity every day. Read our handout on daily calorie needs for more information.
  5. Increase household activities (e.g., walking the dog, dusting, vacuuming, gardening). These activities are good ways to burn calories.
  6. Include an activity like hiking or bike riding when you go on vacation.
  7. Make playtime with your family more active by shooting hoops or walking to the park.

For Parents
  1. Move more. Walking is an easy way to be more active every day.
  2. Park the car in a spot farther away from the store or your office and walk.
  3. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  4. Get off the bus one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.
  5. Use an exercise machine or lift weights while watching television.
  6. Walk to do errands.
  7. Be a role model for your children. Do something active every day.

How Active Are You?

Moderate Physical Activity
Vigorous Activity
More Vigorous Activity
Treading water
Swimming laps (light effort)
Swimming laps (vigorous effort)
Bicycling (10 mph)
Bicycling (12 mph)
Bicycling (more than 14 mph)
Low impact aerobics
Step aerobics
Doing yard work/gardening
Mowing lawn with hand mower
Digging a ditch
Playing doubles tennis
Playing singles tennis
Moving furniture
Playing basketball or soccer
Playing with children
Weight lifting
In-line skating

Healthy Habits for Life

  1. Write down what you eat: how much, when and why. For example, what do you eat when you're stressed out? Learn more about keeping a food diary 
  2.  Record your physical activity: how long, how often and how hard do you work out?
  3. Eat only at the kitchen table. Don't drive, watch television or talk on the phone while you eat. This helps you focus on how much you are eating, which can prevent overeating.
  4. Put out your exercise clothes the night before as a reminder to walk or work out in the morning.
  5. Set goals you can achieve. For example, aim for eating more vegetables and fewer high-calorie foods.
  6. Don't "up size" your favorite drink — 32 oz. of regular soda has up to 400 calories! Choose water or a diet drink instead.
  7. Eat only until you're not hungry and push the plate away. Don't stuff yourself.
  8. Eat only because you're hungry, not because you're bored, tired or stressed. Use alternatives to eating when you're not hungry: take a walk, play a game, read a book or call a friend.
  9.  Do your grocery shopping on a full stomach. This will help you make healthier food choices, rather than grabbing over-processed high-calorie foods, which can be hard to resist when your stomach is empty.
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Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Physical Body

Tips for a Healthy and Balanced Physical Body

Your body is the only vehicle you have been given for this ride called "Life." Taking good care of your body will ensure a longer, happier ride. The following tips integrate your Body, Mind, and Spirit, which are all required to maintain a healthy, happy body!

1.Healthy diet and nutrition.
     Health care practitioners will tell you that you have to provide your physical body with high quality fuel if you want it to run properly. Eat a healthy, chemical-free diet high in vital nutrients. Take the herbal and vitamin supplements that will support you in your good health.

2.Get adequate rest.
      Get the appropriate amount of uninterrupted sleep you need to engage your REM patterns. REM sleep is your nervous system’s way of healing and refueling your body. Also, if you’re feeling overly sluggish, take a short nap or sit and rest. Chronic sleep and sluggishness problems should be reported to your health care provider.

3. Stay focused in the present moment. 
     Feelings of regret or worry about a past event, or worry and anxiety about an upcoming future event are not only a waste of your precious life time. They also add stress to the body, which makes you more susceptible to disease. Stay present and focused on the beauty and gifts this moment is offering you!

4.  Just do it! Exercise.
     Exercise is known to help you live a longer and healthier life. The body needs to stay in action and movement. Move it, or lose it!

5. Mental exercise and stimulation.
    A healthy physical body includes a sound and sharp mind. Keep challenging your mind to expand, grow, learn, experience, decipher, and explore. Use it, or lose it!

6. Meditate. 
     Not only is meditation simple and fun, it also has been known to reduce your heart rate, reduce your stress level, help you become present in this moment, increase your feelings of peace, serenity, joy, and spiritual faith. This all does the body good!

7. Surround yourself with a great support system (family, friends).
      Keep yourself surrounded from every side with positive-minded, healthy people who are on YOUR team - People who will care for, support, love, respect, and appreciate you.

8. Laugh often.
      Recent studies are showing the significance of how laughter, fun, and mirth help keep people healthy, as well as heal sick bodies. Everyone really is a unique, hilarious person. Look for the hilarity in every situation and keep laughing.

9. Keep your thoughts positive. 
     What you put out does come back. So if you want to feel and look great, monitor your thoughts closely to ensure that you are thinking only positive, forwarding thoughts. If you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, simply turn it around into a positive thought.

10. Deal with your emotions. Do not stifle them. 
      If you are avoiding dealing with any emotions that have cropped up in your life, what do you think you are doing to your poor body? It has to store this emotional energy somewhere. Face your feelings, express them healthfully, and whatever you do, stop stuffing them down in to an oozing, black hole of ill health!
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