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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Since there are many people are not sure about colon cleansing, such as effectively employing a particular method. Here are the frequently asked questions that might help you to get the information you need.
What are the different kinds of colon cleansers?
There are numerous products that are available in the market today, and each one is different from the other based on the methods being employed and the main ingredients of the product. However, they can be generally classified into two forms: oxygen-based products and fiber-based products. Oxygen based cleansers use oxygen to clean the colon. On the other hand, fiber colon cleansers use fibers to push all impurities and toxins out from the body. Both of these products have their very unique benefits and the only method of telling which one will work best is to try it for yourself or consult a medical expert.
What are the benefits of colon cleansers against other colon cleanse recipes?
Fiber cleansers are just as effective as colon cleanse recipes because most of these products have psyllium husk as the main ingredient. Psyllium husk is one of the highest sources of fibers that are necessary in colon cleansing. On the other hand, oxygen-based cleansers are slightly more effective than fiber cleansers because oxygen has been proven to cleanse the colon faster. Another benefit of colon cleansers is that they are more convenient to take.

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